Tadahiro yoshida biography channel

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When the founder of YKK, Tadao Yoshida, was a boy, he read a biography of Andrew Carnegie and was deeply influenced by Carnegie’s philosophy that those with great wealth must be socially responsible and use their assets to help others.
tadahiro yoshida biography channel

Tadahiro yoshida biography channel

Tadashi Yoshida: The Pioneer of Fastening Solutions Education and Credentials.

Tadahiro yoshida biography channel 7

The CYCLE OF GOODNESS® is the corporate philosophy established by YKK’s founder, Tadao Yoshida, who believed that “no one prospers without rendering benefit to others.” It expresses .
Tadahiro yoshida biography channel 6
When Tadahiro Yoshida became president of YKK in , he expanded upon the CYCLE OF GOODNESS® in a way that would resonate in an increasingly globalized society.