Marcel duchamp art movement
Marcel Duchamp (French, –), painter, sculptor, and writer, was born in Blainville, France, into a family of artists, and would become one of the most influential artists of the 20th .
What is marcel duchamp known for
Marcel Duchamp (Blainville-Crevon, július – Neuilly-sur-Seine, október 2.) francia festő, képzőművész; kubista, szürrealista és ói korszakának idején minden modern stílusirányra hatással volt.
Where did marcel duchamp live
Marcel Duchamp [marsel dyšám] ( července – 2.
Marcel duchamp dadaism art
Marcel Duchamp was born on 28 July , in Blainville, near Rouen, France, into the family of a well to-do-notary.